HYDROCHEM, the longest-serving independent water treatment specialist in the North of England, has broken the £1m turnover barrier for the first time in its 29-year history.
Managing Director Bill Abbott was delighted with the firm’s financial results for year end December 31, 2015.
Hydrochem boasts a string of blue-chip clients across the UK including Bannatyne’s, Bourne Leisure – which includes Haven and Butlin’s – and uses the innovative Safe-Water programme which has been devised to carry out risk assessment of Legionella and other possible bacterial issues.
Engineers also carry out checks on air quality using the new Safe Building programme in buildings such as schools, hospitals, hotels and offices where mould and spores are present causing health issues.
Mr Abbott said: “We are delighted with the figures for the year just ended.
“Reaching the £1m mark is a milestone, we have been close a few times but this is the first time we have achieved that goal.
“We had an excellent performance over 2015, building up our client list, bringing in new staff to cope with the increase in workload and generally widening our horizons in terms of the work we carry out.”
The financial state of the business is poised for a further boost after a contract worth in excess of £100,000 was secured with an inner-city London council to carry out chemical cleaning and maintenance work on the heating systems in 24 schools.
He added: “All of the schools have major heating issues and their systems have not been treated for many years, and we are delighted to win this contract to remedy the faults.
“We did a similar project at a very large school in Birmingham where there was an old system in place with cast-iron radiators which weren’t working properly.
“There were major issues where the heat wasn’t coming through efficiently, so we carried out a balanced flush through it and injected a chemical cleaner and inhibitor to shift the sludge which had built up in the pipes over the years. Our Hydrochem formulated treatments can get tired old heating systems kick-started again, saving on efficiency and thousands of pounds in energy costs.
“That particular job was a huge success and it has led to the London contract. Our engineers are well trained in Chemical Cleaning and work both in and out of hours to ensure that disruption is minimal.
“We are well positioned going into 2016, and we want to build on the success of 2015 over the next 12 months.
“The nature of our work in the leisure sector means from March to October in the holiday season our workload increases dramatically.
“However we have a clear vision and Hydrochem is targeting a further 30 per cent growth on sales, with a view to further recruitment of engineers later in the year.”