Water treatment –
Industrial and Commercial
HydroChem Group has many years of combined experience in custom design, supply, assembly, and installation of industrial water treatment systems. Chemical blending with formulations that have been developed successfully from the multi-sector treatment and services in these areas.
You can contact our technical department to speak with a specialised engineer or request a quotation for your water treatment needs.
HydroChem can offer guidance on how to take you through the steps for developing the correct plan with realistic solutions and to optimise for the conditions being sought for the best efficiency and economy that industry standards allow.
HydroChem Group can also supply, install, maintain and service:
- Site Visit for Sampling, testing, and consultancy
- Laboratory trials and analysis
- Filtration units (In-Line/Side stream)
- Ion base exchange water softeners (Simplex, Duplex, etc.)
- Reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF)
- Deionisers and Demineralisers
- Chemical dosing units/dosing pots
- Chemical formulated blends for boiler/cooling tower/process water
- Cooling Tower maintenance, cleaning, repacking, and refurbishing
What is an industrial water treatment system?
An industrial water treatment system treats water, so it is more appropriate for a given use, whether for consumption, manufacturing, or even disposal.
However, each system will vary depending on the facility’s needs and many of the technologies that make up these systems can be similar.
In general, some of the most-needed industrial water treatment systems typically include:
- Raw water treatment systems
- Boiler feed water treatment systems
- Cooling tower water treatment systems
- Wastewater treatment systems
The technologies selected and in what order they appear in each water treatment system will vary depending on the contaminants that need to be removed. But it is possible to narrow down what you might see in these four common industrial treatment systems.
The following is a breakdown of what might be included in a typical water treatment system:

Raw water treatment systems
Raw water is any untreated water that occurs naturally in the environment, including sources such as rainwater, groundwater, wells, lakes, and rivers.
In industrial settings, raw water may be used for cooling, rinsing, product formulations, or even human consumption if it is properly purified.
Raw water treatment systems are used for pre-treatment and optimization of source water, usually with an eye toward improving production efficiency and process performance for a particular application.
Examples include pre-treating cooling tower/boiler feed water, process/production water, and/or water for drinking.
Often, raw water treatment is focused on protecting downstream equipment from scaling, fouling, corrosion, and other forms of damage or premature wear due to contaminants present in the source water.
Raw water treatment systems typically remove suspended/colloidal solids, silica/colloidal silica, iron, bacteria and hardness.
Boiler feed water treatment systems
Boiler feed water treatment systems are used to protect boiler unit components and piping from damage due to certain contaminants present in the boiler and/or makeup feeds.
These contaminants may include dissolved solids, suspended solids, and organic material, such as iron, copper, silica, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, hardness, and dissolved gases.
Without proper treatment, boiler feed water can cause scaling, corrosion, and fouling of the boiler and downstream equipment, which can result in costly plant downtime, expensive maintenance fees, increased fuel consumption and boiler failure.
An effective boiler feed water treatment system works by both removing harmful impurities prior to entering the boiler as well as controlling the acidity and conductivity of the water.
While treatment trains vary, a typical system will consist of primary treatment and possibly polishing depending on the boiler pressure, steam use, and chemistry of the boiler feed and makeup water.
Closed Systems Hot & Cold
Modern buildings have requirements for Heating and Cooling. The systems employed in the processes are usually fully automatic and thermally efficient.
Multi-metals make up the construction of the plant and equipment. Water being the media for circulating the heating or cooling for comfort in the buildings. This is moved thorough the systems in a continuous loop and branched off in sections by means of radiators or air handling units using circulating pumps.
These advantages are lost if systems are inefficient due to problems that require non-routine maintenance or remedial work and downtime actions due to inadequate consideration of water treatment and testing.
To protect these water systems and ensure that they operate fully functionally, efficiently without problems water treatment is employed usually by chemical means.
Working with BSRIA BG 50 “ Water treatment of Closed Heating and Cooling Systems “ the standard covers all stages of the life span of these closed circuits and is used in conjunction with BS 8558 “ The sampling and monitoring of water from building services closed systems “
Problems to be identified and addressed are poor feedwater quality to the systems. However most are untreated mains water acceptable for the majority of the use desired. Usual methods to treat initially this feedwater is simply by water softening, but this still requires treatment to protect against Corrosion, Deposition of solids and possibly Scale if deposits are present. Microbiological contamination should also be factor to consider.
Initially samples should be taken from the systems for a complete water analysis. This will show any possible risks that are likely to manifest themselves and compromise the operational use. Chemical treatment should be carefully chosen with the most effective for that analysis and system design. Usually a one off chemical treatment is acceptable for Corrosion, Scale and Deposition protection with a biocide to address any Microbiological concerns and sludge or slime formation.
The water treatment chemicals should be easily dosed effectively and be able to be tested and analysed by a simple regime.
Cooling tower water treatment systems
Cooling tower water treatment regimens are required to protect cooling tower components from damage due to contaminants present in process water, circulation water and or blowdown water. These contaminants may include chlorides, hardness, iron, biological materials, silica, sulphates, TDS and or TSS.
Untreated cooling tower feed water can cause scaling, corrosion, biological growth, and fouling of cooling tower equipment, which can result in costly plant downtime, reduced cooling tower performance, and excessive maintenance or equipment replacement costs over time.
An effective cooling tower water treatment system works by removing harmful impurities in line with the manufacturer recommendations for water quality requirements for the type of cooling tower used.We specialise in international water treatment, Legionella control, water management, and bespoke cooling solutions for all industries. We are a major provider for cooling tower refurbishment, cleaning, parts, thermal upgrades, newbuilds, water treatment and chemical supply. We provide full turnkey projects for industrial cooling.
Wastewater treatment systems
A wastewater treatment system is used to convert spent streams into an effluent that can either be reused or safely discharged to the environment or municipal treatment facility.
The most appropriate wastewater treatment system will help the facility avoid harming the environment, human health, and a facility’s equipment, process or products (especially if the wastewater is being reused).
It will also help the facility curb heavy fines and possible legal action if wastewater is being improperly discharged to either the environment or publicly owned treatment works.
The relative complexity of a wastewater treatment system will depend heavily upon the compliance regulations impacting your plant and the composition of your waste stream.
While the contaminants present in a waste stream can vary greatly from one process to the next, wastewater treatment systems commonly treat for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrates, phosphates, pathogens, metals, TSS, TDS and synthetic chemicals.

Contact us
To learn more about our services and products, or to get advice or more details, just get in touch.
The full range of HydroChem Services:

Water Treatment - Industrial
We are leading supplier of Legionella compliance services, water hygiene risk assessment, water treatment, installations and maintenance.

Water Treatment - Domestic
Assessing systems that may pose a risk to exposure to legionella, including humidifiers, air washers, emergency showers and indoor ornamental fountains.

Risk assessment
Ensuring all commercial premises have a statutory duty to control the risk of legionella bacteria in water systems.

Water Hygiene
Protecting the public from hazards associated with bacteria in water systems particularly Legionella.

We offer an extensive range of water treatment chemicals to suit all processes and requirements.

Chemical Cleaning & Disinfections
We have dedicated teams of experienced engineers to diagnose and give site specific recommendations.

Plant & Equipment
We offer a vast range to ensure that processes are effectively operated to their maximum advantage and costs.

After a Legionella risk assessment, it is likely that corrective or improvement works are required to bring your system up to compliance.

Mould, Air & Surface Remediation
Our protocols allow a building or site be kept clean, environmentally sound and free of contamination.

Borehole Water Treatment
We offer an extensive range of borehole water treatment options to suit all processes and requirements.