pH Correction (Acid Water)

Water with a pH of below 7.0 is classed as acidic.

Acidic water accelerates corrosion in metal pipework, causing unsightly staining such as blue/green discolouration on fixtures such as baths, sinks and other appliances. It may also give a metallic taste to the water affecting its use in domestic environments.

pH correction may also reduce iron and manganese contamination. Some water treatment requires that the pH level is raised from its acidic state to an alkaline level for effective process control.

The simplest way to raise the pH is to pass the water with a low pH through a vessel containing a suitable pH correction media. This correction media is usually a mix of Calcium and Magnesium salts. These salts will slowly dissolve into the water raising the pH and re-mineralising naturally. With this process the water cannot be overdosed as the pH will cease to rise at approximately 8.3 at which the pH correction media stops its action with the acidic water.

The simplest method is by using a media vessel with an In/Out head to allow the water to be treated to flow naturally using pressure through the pre-sized vessel to ensure adequate contact to raise the pH to the level required. As the water travels through the media the Calcium and Magnesium salts slowly dissolve into the water raising the pH. The in/Out head is usually fitted with a filling port to top up the dissolves media which is used up by its natural dissolving during the process.

A fully automatic unit is also available which is based upon a pressure filter system with backwash control using either a timeclock or water control to effect better flows with larger volumes. These automatic systems self clean and remove any solids or precipitated iron and manganese that may become trapped in the vessel.

HydroChem uses a number of different pH Correction Media which are suited to a particular application or for Potable use. These are available ex stock, Examples :-




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The full range of HydroChem Services:

Water Treatment - Industrial

We are leading supplier of Legionella compliance services, water hygiene risk assessment, water treatment, installations and maintenance.

Water Treatment - Domestic

Assessing systems that may pose a risk to exposure to legionella, including humidifiers, air washers, emergency showers and indoor ornamental fountains.

Risk assessment

Ensuring all commercial premises have a statutory duty to control the risk of legionella bacteria in water systems. 

Water Hygiene

Protecting the public from hazards associated with bacteria in water systems particularly Legionella.


We offer an extensive range of water treatment chemicals to suit all processes and requirements.

Chemical Cleaning & Disinfections

We have dedicated teams of experienced engineers to diagnose and give site specific recommendations.

Plant & Equipment

We offer a vast range to ensure that processes are effectively operated to their maximum advantage and costs.


After a Legionella risk assessment, it is likely that corrective or improvement works are required to bring your system up to compliance.

Mould, Air & Surface Remediation

Our protocols allow a building or site be kept clean, environmentally sound and free of contamination.

Borehole Water Treatment

We offer an extensive range of borehole water treatment options to suit all processes and requirements.